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15.8. UPDATE

[POC-WIP] bd game running from HDD

The video shows:

- Warhawk running from HDD

- no PKG version

- no WH disc while WH is running

- Motorstorm running as proxy disc

- legal way

I wont explain the details here till the project is finished 100%, also cuz many devs want to take a look at first and not get it patched that fast. I can say that if all will work like I want it to you'll need:

- "special" game dump of the game you want to play from HDD (we will provide those on iran country server so no trouble^^ they have no law hahaha)

- one (any) original bd game

- 2x minimum 60GB HDD's (illegal way - it worx but its not allowed in most countrys - its working like a packed game on psp memory stick)


-1 60GB HDD + original disc (legal way - no need to be inserted while playing)

Im using newest firmware PAL 60GB SKU. 3 games tested yet - working.

Games which should be possible from the knowledge i got yet:

- Warhawk

- Motorstorm

- Resistance

- GT5

- COD3

- ...

I cant check more atm, as I dont have else here. The final way will be a bit different than the video shows. Even there are 2 different ways then to do it, thats because there are 2 different groups of games. One can be done with 1 HDD but then you need the original disk of the game.

i dont support piracy, this is just to safe your disks :)


if video doesnt work as stream just download it:


better quality vid will come when i get new hdd + repaired hdtv

I hope you see theres no hidden PKG (game list is shown), no hidden disk (i insert motorstorm). At the end of the video i just wanted to show its no test unit --> watch the settings.

Sorry for bad TV quality, my HDTV just exploded and i need to use SDTV for 2 weeks now :(

if there are any questions, you can ask but i dont say ill answer all.


Update 16.8.

nové info:
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Yes it is real, yes I know how it has been done, No it is NOT convenient to use at all.

Finally it only works with a few games, it can easely be fixed by sony in any future firmware update, and of course it wont allow anyone to run any kind of unsigned code.

takže...funkčnost potvrdil Mathieulh )kdo neví kdo to je...spolupracuje s DA na CFW pro PSP ;)) ...ale ...funguje jen pár her a Sony to může jednoduše opravit v jakékoliv další aktualizaci FW. Navíc tato metoda neumožňuje spustit "nepodepsaný" SW, takže žádné HB ..


další potvrzení funkčnosti

PS3 backups running.

StreetSkaterFU has discovered an interesting way of getting backups running under PS3. Read more here, and check the video here. (Yeah it's a bit dark, but that doesn't means (at least with this one) that is a fake video)

We can confirm that it's for real, although it's still under a Proof of Concept state.


další video..tentokrát funkční Motorstorm ISO online

New PS3 hacks backup video, proof it works online and Motorstorm

StreetskaterFU has published a second video of his PS3 backups hack to prove it works. In his words this video shows "proof works online and showing inserted disk is motorstorm as proxy disc. When i eject disc, game quits like normal."


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hehe, pravez se nikdo neraduje... :)

inteligentntí post :roll:

Aktuální zprávy ohledně PS3 hackingu........ :ugeek: :ugeek:

Overflow TiFF Exploit for Firmware 2.10> TEAM ICE

Team ICE a SorroW vyadaly "overflow.tiff" exploit který pracuje na PAL a NTSC konzolích a to na firmwaru 2.10

Při spuštění exploitu zamrzne PS3 ale autoři píšou že kdyby se jim povedlo tak by bylo možné do toho napsat vlastní kod!

Doporučuju aby jste zůstali na 2.10 možná se jim to nepovede ale co když ano..... zřejmě by nás čekal stejný postup jakou u PSP-TIFF-exploit, ISOLOADER, možná donwgrader,DEVHOOK, a někdy možná i Custom Firmware.....


Znamená to, že nepodepsaný vlastní kod/program byl rozběhnut na ps3 a teoreticky otevírá vrátka programátorům aby napsali vlastní kod/program pro ps3. Ale co já vím je velice složité napsat ho pro cell, jestliže nebude k dispozici nějaký dobrý vývojový kit, další překážkou bude vyřešit celou strukturu ps3 a jak napsat kvalitní program.

Znamená to, že nepodepsaný vlastní kod/program byl rozběhnut na ps3 a teoreticky otevírá vrátka programátorům aby napsali vlastní kod/program pro ps3. Ale co já vím je velice složité napsat ho pro cell, jestliže nebude k dispozici nějaký dobrý vývojový kit, další překážkou bude vyřešit celou strukturu ps3 a jak napsat kvalitní program.

čéče ty se v tom nějak vyznáš ;)

Toto téma je nyní uzavřeno, a proto není možné odpovídat.

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