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Flash Utility for LiteOn Based Optical Drives



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Flash Utility for LiteOn Based Optical Drives

Formerly known as Flash Reader

The Official Thread

What is it

Flash Utility is a tool to allow the reading and writing of the firmware Flash, in Windows, for almost all LiteOn based drives.

Well as you have probably seen, this tool is now called the Flash Utility. The reason for this is because this tool can now write the Flash as well as read it. When I first started this tool I wasn't sure that I would be able to do the writing side of it, as it's quite an involved process. LiteOn wisely didn't limit themselves to one manufacturer's flash part in a model, like some of the other drive manufactures, so the flasher has to download a special flash writer to the drive that supports the Flash part installed, hence the reason for the Flash ID. But I'm not one to let a challenge beat me too easily, in fact it tends to make me more determined, so here it is. It should support a lot of what LtnFW supported plus all of the new flash parts, that I know of, as well. Enjoy! smile.gif


Reading of Flash

Writing of Flash

Supports firmware BIN files and unscrambled Flasher EXE files

Supports up to 8MB reading

Supports up to 2MB writing

Auto learning of Flash ID and size for reading

Multi-threaded operation for write progress display



How to do a Flash read

Select the drive from the drop down list that you want to read the firmware from. Wait a few seconds while the drive checks the Flash type used in the drive. 50+ Flash IDs have already been incorporated into the Flash Reader utility, which will cover most of the 1MB and 2MB parts currently being used, but to protect the future usability of the program I have incorporated a learning feature for new and older Flash parts and allowed up to 8MB reads. If the flash is known then you will be returned to the first screen shown above with the correct Flash size set. If it is not known then the following dialog will be displayed.


This indicates that the Flash ID was unknown and that the true size of the flash has had to be calculated. Please check that the size that has been selected for your drive is correct. If it is incorrect, adjust the size and save the new size by clicking on the blue Flash ID as shown below.





Once you are happy that the drive and size are correct, just click the "Read Flash" button, enter a file name or accept the default and then wait for the read to finish. This can take up to two minutes for a 2MB flash.

If you get an error during the read, this is usually an indication that the flash size was set too large. The progress bar is a good indicator of how large the Flash actually is. If it has only progressed to half way then the Flash size is set to twice what it should actually be. Try setting the flash size to half of what it is currently set to and save it using the method explained above. In saying all of that, if my calculate Flash size routine works as I think it should, then this should never be required. wink.gif

Now if only it was as easy to flash the drive... well it wasn't easy but I've done it. *phew - wipes sweat from brow*

How to do a Flash write

The Flash Utility can also write the flash in most LiteOn based drives. This is an advanced feature and should be used with caution. No checking of whether the firmware matches the hardware is carried out, so if you select the wrong firmware for your drive then the drive could end up being dead. Of course the drive can be restored by using MTKFlash or XSF if your drive uses a serial flash.

If the "Write Flash" button and "Update boot code" check box is enabled then you can flash the currently selected drive. The "Flash Size" list is ignored for writing and instead the size of the binary file is used. The Flash utility does check that the bin file provided is one of the allowable sizes e.g. 128KB,256KB..2MB, so if you select a flasher file by mistake, you will get an error.

You can also specify an unscrambled Flasher EXE file, which you will finds on my site here: Code Guys. The Flash Utility will extract the firmware from the flasher file and write it to the drive. This may save you having to locate a binary file for your drive.


Click the "Write Flash" button to start the write process. A message box is displayed warning you of the dangers of using this function. Please make sure you have the right drive selected at this point.


Click the "Yes" button to continue and then select the require BIN file or Flasher EXE file to flash the drive with. To select a Flasher EXE file use the "Files of Type" dropdown list on the Open dialog to select "Executable files".

A last chance warning will now be displayed showing the selected drive, the selected file and the state of the update boot code option.


Click the "Yes" button if you are sure everything is a it should be and the Flash write will begin. This process cannot be aborted at this point. The progress bar will move during the entire burn but in some rare cases may reach 100% before the write process is complete. I've handled the very slow flash chip used in the 1653S series (MX29LV008B), which takes 3x as long to write than most Flash parts, since I was unfortunate enough to get one in my drive. wink.gif Also during the write Flash process, at the exact point that the flash is being erased/written "Writing..." will appear flashing on the display. Until this stops flashing the write is still being carried out, so don't interrupt the process in any way.



When the Flash write is complete the drive list will be updated with the new version running in the drive, so you will know that all is well.

Another little feature I've added is a quick method to get to my site to check for updates. Just click on the CodeGuys graphic on the bottom of the application and your default browser will direct you to my site. wink.gif



Special thanks goes to CDFreaks and RPC1 (The Firmware Page) and the authors of Dvdzone and PLScsi, xvi, Pat LaVarre and r-man. Without them, this utility would not have been possible.

Version: v3.0.2 (19 August 2008)

New flash engine with more drives supported

Displays Flash type

"Update boot code" is now disabled by default (only enable when crossflashing)

Version: v2.2.4 (27 February 2008)

Displays the A4 version type (A or S)

Warns if the wrong A4 version is going to be flashed

"Update boot code" is now enabled by default

Version: v2.2.3 (16 January 2008)

Improved support for new models

Version: v2.2.2 (11 November 2007)

Improved support for new models

Version: v2.2.1 (26 October 2007)

Improved support for new models

Version: v2.2.0 (10 September 2007)

Supports 32 new flash chips (supports 20A3 series)

Version: v2.1.0 (10 August 2007)

The default file filter, when selecting a file to flash, is now (Binary/Flasher) *.bin and *.exe

Version: v2.0.1 (7 March 2007)

Fixed a bug that could cause a strange drive ID to be displayed after a flash

Version: v2.0.0 (13 September 2006)

Writing of Flash

Supports firmware BIN files and unscrambled Flasher EXE files

11 odpovědí na tuto otázku

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Rikejte ze se pletu....ALE...myslim ze timhle postupem zadny Xbox neflashnete :blink:

To na co je flashovani LiteOn mechaniky dobre je.... ?

Aby jste mohli uspesne zalohovat Xbox360 hry! Ona totiz zalohovat Xbox hru neni taky uplne sranda, a tak uz pred nejakou dobou se do toho par lidi pustilo a vysledkem bylo ze dokazali vzit uplne obycejnou levnou LiteOn mechaniku, a flashnutim ji dokazali modifikovat tak, aby s ni bylo mozne zalohovat Xbox hry.

Pokud je mi znamo, tak LiteOn mechaniky ktere se od Dubna letosniho roku montuji do novych Xbox konzoli flasnout nejen ze zatim nejdou, ale predevsim asi ani nepujdou. Nebot jsou umylsne dodavany s pametovim chipem, ktery ma FW napevno vypaleny, a neni tedy co flashovat. Proste bude potreba jinou metodu nez jen obycejne flashnuti.

Toto téma je nyní uzavřeno, a proto není možné odpovídat.
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