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Zítra má být oficiálně tento mobil předveden a oznámen .. podle foto vypadá celkem pěkně.

Google's G1 mobile phone expected to be announced tomorrow

Reports suggest that Google's iPhone beater, the G1 mobile phone will be announced tomorrow and will go on sale within the next few months. The phone will run Google's new open source operating system called Android and it is expected to include a Touch Screen as well as a QWERTY keyboard contained beneath a slide out screen.

Google's "G1" mobile phone is to be formally announced tomorrow, and is expected to go on sale in the US and the UK in the next few months.

At a joint conference in New York with T-mobile, the phone's network provider in the US and the UK, Google are expected to unveil a handset manufactured by Taiwanese electronics manufacturer HTC. Photos leaked on the internet suggest it is likely to feature a touch screen as well as a QWERTY keyboard concealed beneath a slide-out screen. Further rumours hint at the incorporation of features such as inbuilt global positioning system and a tilt-sensor.

The phone will run Google's new open source operating system, "Android". Announced in late 2007, it is expected to become a platform for a variety of mobile devices, and has the backing of network provider T-Mobile and chip manufacturer Intel as well as Google and other leading technology companies. Both Samsung and LG are developing phones which will use the software to be released next year.


UPDATE 23.9.

nové info :)

New Google Mobile Takes On IPhone

Internet giant Google has launched its long-awaited mobile phone, a direct challenge to the technical might of the iPhone.


The T-Mobile G1 is a touch-screen mobile phone with a QWERTY keyboard and applications such as Google Maps with StreetView, Gmail and YouTube.

It is made by Taiwanese manufacturer HTC.

The phone uses the Google Android open source mobile platform, meaning developers can build their own applications for it.

It also allows people to download a range of other software to use on the phone, and a range of applications will be available for the phone's launch.

The phone will be available in the United States from October 22 and the United Kingdom from early November with other international launch dates scheduled throughout 2009.

Jim Hyde, Chief Executive, T-Mobile UK said: "We increasingly use many different ways to keep in touch - from simple calls and email, to instant messaging and status updates on social networks.

"The T-Mobile G1 is a unique mobile, designed with the new possibilities of online communication in mind."

As well as the keyboard, the T-Mobile G1 has a trackball for more precise, one-handed navigation and also includes a 3-megapixel camera.

Michael Brook, editor of gadgets magazine T3, said the release was significant.

He commented: "While Apple's iPhone is the pinnacle of technology design, Google is attempting to change the way users can interact with their mobile phones.

"Development communities will be important to the G1, much like they are to the iPhone 3G, and it'll be interesting to see how the phone fares with today's tech-savvy user."

The T-Mobile G1 will be available for free on price plans from £40 a month, which will include unlimited mobile internet browsing.

- výrobce HTC

- využívá Google Android - open source OS

- dotykový displej, QWERTY lávesnice

- aplikace jako Google Maps sStreetView, Gmail a YouTube

- v prodeji od 22. října - US, v listopadu v EU

- zdarma při paušálu £40 (cca 1200 kč) zcela zdarma, s neomezeným internetovým připojením

Kvuli androidu to nebude nutny kupovat, udajne by mel chodit i na nynejsich zarizenich s WM.

Tak to je super :) mohla by to bejt konečně pořádná nadstavba WM 6.1.. Skin Diamondu mě bavil jen chvilku :D... Mobile vypadá slušně, hlavně má HW klávesnici (tu u HTC Touch postrádám..) ,ale abych si to koupil, to by toho musel nabídnout víc :).. podle mých plánů můj další mobil už bude mít digitální tuner :D:D


nové info :)

New Google Mobile Takes On IPhone

Internet giant Google has launched its long-awaited mobile phone, a direct challenge to the technical might of the iPhone.


The T-Mobile G1 is a touch-screen mobile phone with a QWERTY keyboard and applications such as Google Maps with StreetView, Gmail and YouTube.

It is made by Taiwanese manufacturer HTC.

The phone uses the Google Android open source mobile platform, meaning developers can build their own applications for it.

It also allows people to download a range of other software to use on the phone, and a range of applications will be available for the phone's launch.

The phone will be available in the United States from October 22 and the United Kingdom from early November with other international launch dates scheduled throughout 2009.

Jim Hyde, Chief Executive, T-Mobile UK said: "We increasingly use many different ways to keep in touch - from simple calls and email, to instant messaging and status updates on social networks.

"The T-Mobile G1 is a unique mobile, designed with the new possibilities of online communication in mind."

As well as the keyboard, the T-Mobile G1 has a trackball for more precise, one-handed navigation and also includes a 3-megapixel camera.

Michael Brook, editor of gadgets magazine T3, said the release was significant.

He commented: "While Apple's iPhone is the pinnacle of technology design, Google is attempting to change the way users can interact with their mobile phones.

"Development communities will be important to the G1, much like they are to the iPhone 3G, and it'll be interesting to see how the phone fares with today's tech-savvy user."

The T-Mobile G1 will be available for free on price plans from £40 a month, which will include unlimited mobile internet browsing.

- výrobce HTC

- využívá Google Android - open source OS

- dotykový displej, QWERTY lávesnice

- aplikace jako Google Maps sStreetView, Gmail a YouTube

- v prodeji od 22. října - US, v listopadu v EU

- zdarma při paušálu £40 (cca 1200 kč) zcela zdarma, s neomezeným internetovým připojením


Hmh tak vzhledove je i iPhone i tenhle G1 mobile stejny padlo takze podle designu bych to tak nejak neresil...operacni system android-tak ten by me zajimal,s tim sem se teda jeste fakt nesetkal...a btw-hodne lidi uchvatil iPhone hlavne kvuli tem blbustkam jako je dotykovej displej a ten pohybovej senzor ci co to bylo a podle me je to stupidita a celkem kravinka na hrani kvuli ktery se zbytecne navysi cena,kdezto klavesnice a internetova komunikace podle me zni lip (teda az na to jak psal anonymous ze tady se ten mobilni internet nevyplati) a prave kalvesnice se vzdycky hodi ze jo...hmh az bude v prodeji enbo ho nekdo bude mit tak si ho urco budu chtit vyzkouset ale stejne podle me sou tyhle "mobily" mega cihly...

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