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a nechtěl by na to někdo udělat návod?PLS
no návod by se hodil

Omg jaký návod chcete je jich tu hafo akorát pak použijete 1.6 těžký co ?

Benq : http://console-forum.net/showthread.php?t=42272

Lite-On : http://console-forum.net/showthread.php?t=44733

Samsung si snad už najdete jinak http://360mods.net/

  1. Getting your orig.bin
  2. Connect you PC sata cable to the X360 Drive (some have to do this after step 2)
  3. start your x360 and pc to the dos prompt (using the USB key)
  4. type mtkflash r /m /sata orig.bin
  5. list of port will appear (if your mtkflash is correct)
  6. Only if you have a ms28: power down your x360
  7. select the port on your PC,
  8. Only if you have a ms28: then count to 10 (try different count) and power your x360
  9. the pc will read the firmware to the orig.bin file
    Making your hacked.bin (in Windows)
    Method 1 Requires Samtool 0.7 available in iXtreme 1.2 (a must if you require spoofing)
  10. Extract from iXtremeXX.rar (XX is the version) to a directory under the root C:\iXtreme
  11. Place a copy of the orig.bin in C:\iXtreme where orig.bin is the original fw of the drive that was first associated to that MB.
    • You replaced your drive, use your orig.bin of the first drive you had on that MB
    • You replaced your MB, use the orig.bin of the drive that was originally on that MB

[*] In Windows Explorer you double click on Make iXtreme firmware.cmd and a DOS window will open telling you the key. You will also be requested if you want to spoof when the orig.bin is not associated to a ms28:

  • If you have a Hitachi, answer Y and Enter
  • If you have a Samsung ms25, we suggest you say N and Enter. It seems when a ms28 fw is used in a ms25 that it may make it less detectable if left as ms28. Note that this is to the best of the info available at this point. You can read this post and those leading to it.

[*] Now you want to see the message saying " ***SUCCESS*** " and Drive Key copied (and Drive Version Spoofed when required)


[*] Rename the resulting iX__.bin file to hacked.bin and copy it to your USB key.

Also this PDF tutorial by Caster on how to use the Make iXtreme FW command.

Flashing your hacked.bin

[*] Connect you PC sata cable to the X360 Drive (some have to do this after step 15)

[*] start your x360 and pc to the dos prompt (using the USB key)

[*] type mtkflash w /m /sata hacked.bin

[*] list of port will appear (if your mtkflash is correct)

[*] Only if you have a ms28: power down your x360

[*] select the port on your PC,

[*] Only if you have a ms28: then count to 10 (try different count) and power your x360

[*] the pc will flash the firmware to the drive (it will show the 4 banks being flashed)

To verify that it was flashed, you can use the same steps with now mtkflash r /m /sata verify.bin, and compare verify.bin to hacked.bin using (Hex editor, or crc32 in a zip file or winrar...)



Reflashing your original firmware

  1. Connect you PC sata cable to the X360 Drive (some have to do this after step 2)
  2. start your x360 and pc to the dos prompt (using the USB key)
  3. type mtkflash w /m /sata orig.bin
  4. list of port will appear (if your mtkflash is correct)
  5. Only if you have a ms28: power down your x360
  6. select the port on your PC,
  7. Only if you have a ms28: then count to 10 (try different count) and power your x360
  8. the pc will flash the firmware to the drive (it will show the 4 banks being flashed)


Updating your firmware to Xtreme "Latest"

  1. With your orig.bin simply follow the steps 9 to 21
  2. Without your orig.bin, but if you have a firmware file containing your key you can use that file in step 10 instead of the orig.bin to extract the key.
  3. IF you do not have a firmware with your key, plse first look at How to recover your X360 drive key.
  4. Note that if your samsung is a replacement drive for another model or you have replaced your Motherboard, then you must you spoof with the proper drive ID in Making your hacked.bin
    -If your Samsung is a ms25 and is the original drive, we suggest you leave the drive ID as ms28 (unless you get an E66 error)
    -If you replaced your drive, select the drive ID that you had originally on that motherboard.
    -If you replaced your motherboard, you need to select the drive ID that was on the MB originally.

(post your comments/ questions in How To Update To Latest iXtreme Firmware: Tutorial, Xtreme Boot maker / Via card method)


Making your hacked.bin: Method 2 (reboot to Windows)

Should be used only if you encounter a problem with Method 1 since placeholder of the firmware are not maintained whne using FWToolbox, does not make any difference for now but who knows if it may not be detected in the future.

9. Extract the the firmware you want (Xtrem10a.bin) to a directory and rename it to hacked.bin

10. Open orig.bin in FW toolbox 3.1B and do ctrl-c on the key (copy to clipboard)

11. Open hacked.bin in FW toolbox and do ctrl-v to insert the key in the field hit 'Replace Key'

12. Only if you need to spoof: Go in Tool / Spoof Firmware / select 'Model and version'/Hit 'Apply Spoof'

13. Close and reopen hacked.bin to make sure that it is identified with its proper ID (MS28 or spoofed as...) and that the key is present. Copy the hacked.bin to your USB key

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