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Vyšel update na teensy, kdy je funkční F1...no a asik aj ostatní hry, kde to freezlo na začátku...pro dalsi dongly to bude postupem casu


According to PS3Exploits, the famous Elotrolado forum member Hermes just released a new payload, that fixes the requirement of a steering wheel needed to be used for F1 2010. This payload also fixes many controller issues for Street Fighter. However, there are reports you loose some comparability with other games. There are reports of 3D Dot Heroes, Demon Souls and more no longer loading. Some are also saying this payload locks up the LAUN folder until console reset. I suppose you will have to take the good with the bad for the time being.

Currently only ported to:

- Teensy AT90USB162 16Mhz

- Usbkey AT90USB1287 8Mhz

Other versions should be shorty be ported.





Kungfu rider


eyepet move edition

Racquet sports

F1 jsem si blb smaznul, takze muzu tahat znova


Converting psn game demos into ps3 jailbreak-full-versions


Uz je podle toho venku i Fat Princess.(Uspesne provedeno a fakt to funguje ! ) Kdo by mel o to zajem a mel cas mohli by podle toho udelat i jine hry a dat na net.Bylo by to super.


Open Manager v1.14 Released

v1.14.2 changelog


Another minor update

- You can now use left arrow and right arrow for page-down and page-up functionality in game list.

- Free space will be shown below each device and notice that depending on the amount the unit will change to GB,MB,KB or B.

v1.14 changelog


It's a minor update

- Corrected the spelling and grammar problems of the first release thanks to DJLO

- changed the icon to what is provided by ir00t

- The Open manager termination will be done without crashing if user presses the PS button and selects the “Quit Game” menu.

Pkg download >>>ZDE<<<

pristi verze bude 1.2 a ma prinest zasadni vylepseni...ze by podpora ntfs


UPDATED Open manager 1.14.2 compiled

v1.14.2 changelog


Another minor update

- You can now use left arrow and right arrow for page-downpage-down and page-up functionality in game list.

- Free space will be shown below each device and notice that depending on the amount the unit will change to GB,MB,KB or B.

Download : 1.14.2


UPDATED Tutorial - JB Open manager 1.14.2



Hermes releases v3 of his PSGroove payload!


* New Address 0x80000000007ff000 end of the payload at the end of the Kernel in order to add the extra code needed (the code is relocatable, if necessary)

* Added support syscall 8 with Stealth and other kernel functions such as copy, allocate memory, perform routine, add path table (for replacement / redirection of files and directories), etc. (see syscall8.h for details)

* Support for Homebrew in /apps_home/PS3_GAME similar to a flash drive or connected on /dev_usb000/PS3_GAME

* Syscall redirection 36 games to run diskless: /apps_home/PS3_GAME




OT: Davat na ceske forum info v anglictine je jen honeni postu na foru..... Kdo eng umi jiste se na psx-scene koukne sam. Pokud si das praci to sem zkopirovat, aspon to preloz jiste to mnozi oceni. To si muzu udelat skript a linkovat sem uvodni stranky zahranicnich webu zabyvajicich se touto tematikou....Omlouvam za psani do tohoto tematu, ale jsou veci kde si nemohu pomoci a musim neco napsat.

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