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SX OS v2.4 BETA je venku s podporou FW 6.2.0:


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    • Support for firmware 6.2.0
      Nintendo threw us a small curve-ball while we were in the middle of reworking some other parts of SX OS. That being said, SX OS is now fully compatible with the latest official firmware 6.2.0.
    • EmuNAND functionality reworked
      Our initial release of EmuNAND used a storage mechanism that wasn't what a lot of people were looking for. In our last release we decided to switch to using the microSD for EmuNAND storage, which in turn made some users that *did* like the old method of storing EmuNAND on the system NAND unhappy. We have reintroduced the support for EmuNAND-on-system-NAND as well as introduced a third storage method for your EmuNAND partition. You can now also opt to use a separate partition (as opposed to files in the regular (ex)FAT filesystem) as a storage backend for your EmuNAND. With three flavors of EmuNAND storage supported now, all of you can rejoice!


      To recap, you now have three way of settings up EmuNAND now:

      • EmuNAND on system NAND: repurpose part of your Switch internal storage for EmuNAND
      • EmuNAND on microSD as partition: repartitions your microSD card with a separate EmuNAND partition
      • EmuNAND on microSD as files: EmuNAND is stored on microSD as files instead of repartitioning

      WARNING: Setting up your EmuNAND as partition on your microSD card will format your microSD card. After setup nothing but the boot.dat and license.dat will remain.

    • Homebrew R button interfering with ingame L+R buttons fixed
      In the last release we introduced a method of invoking the homebrew launcher for any title by holding down the [R] button during application/game startup, this gives homebrew additional capabilities that it wouldn't normally have. However, this seems to have caused some interference with some games, this has been fixed.
    • Embedded Homebrew Menu
      Previously, you had to copy a `hbmenu.nro` file to your microSD card in order to use the homebrew launcher. This has been fully integrated into the SX OS boot.dat file now. Effectively this means all you need for setup is to copy our boot.dat file, simple!




Zdravim, vysiel update 2.5 a je tam podpora online hrania pomocou LAN, podarilo sa to uz niekomu rozbehnut ? Sa s tym uz asi 2 hodiny ondim a bez vysledku.

Skusam rozbehnut Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, ale vzdy sa skoncim u toho ze sa mi to pomocou klavesovej skratky nechce zmenit Wireless na LAN

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Press [L] + [R] + [Left Analog] on the main menu screen.

EDIT: Tak nakoniec som zistil ze mi nejde ani prava ani lava packa stlacit ... ci je dost haluz, ze nefunguje ani jedna. Neexistuje volaky bug, ci chyba co opravy volaky firmware?

EDIT2: tak som nakoniec musel update konzolu na 6.2.0 aby som mohol aktualizovat hru Super Smash Bros. Ultimate na v 1.2.1. Toto funguje celkom pekne. Len este to pouziva malo ludi, tym padom si pockate kym bude moct hrat. Verim ze sa to casom vylepsi.

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