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A na té kartičce je mimo kódu napsáno..? Mimochodem, po pár vteřinách googlení (hned první odkaz):


But if you did pre-order Mortal Kombat 11, before it released on April 23, then you're in luck. If you purchased Mortal Kombat 11 physically, on any platform, then you should have a physical download code in your retail box of the game. You need to then take this code, and enter it on the storefront of the platform that you purchased. So if you pre-ordered Mortal Kombat 11 on Switch, enter the physical code from the box in the e-Shop.

If you instead pre-ordered Mortal Kombat 11 digitally, then Shao Kahn should have been downloaded alongside the game when it was first available for pre-load on your platform. Of course, there's always the possibility that the game might not have downloaded the character for some reason, and if this is the case, then you simply need to find the product listing for Shao Kahn on your storefront, and manually download the DLC fighter.


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